- A person who enables another being or group to speak to others through them is called a medium or channel. The activity of channeling is one of the strangest things a person can experience, believe me! However, it is entirely normal and natural for human beings. We all can do it, but those of us who are psychic or very creative are perhaps more open to the experience. We all “channel” higher aspects of ourselves when we have flashes of intuition and insight.
- In order to channel, be a spiritual medium, or gain intuitive insights, you must enter a super-receptive state known as a “trance.” When you are in a trance, your normal, logical consciousness gets out of the way for a while. In its place, expanded awareness/consciousness flows through, expressing itself in some form. This expression can be through creating artwork, writing, or speaking. When I channel Galexis, my conscious mind takes a back seat and opens to allow Galexis’ greater information to come available. I feel a light descend into my head that vibrates and then words effortlessly come out of my mouth.
- Galexis is a Spirit with an expanded point of view that provides empowered and loving perspectives. Of course, not everyone channels a loving light form. Many channels have been fooled by mischievous spirits who appeal to their egos or have a “personal” agenda. But good channeling, that is, of a loving light spirit, can open access to the wealth of information in the subconscious and unconscious minds (such as what Edgar Cayce had), and most importantly, the collective mind.
- If the trance state is light enough, it is experienced as intuition or hunches, creative inspiration, or magnified awareness. Everyone is psychic and capable of a light trance. Good psychics sometimes don’t even think they go into a trance, but they do. It’s just a shift of awareness into an altered state where they can receive and share useful information from their subconscious minds as well as their entity friends (also known as "Unseen Friends" or "Guides.")
- If you are getting inspiration or intuitive knowledge that you might not normally know, such as details about a stranger’s life, this is psychic ability. If you talk with spirits or get messages from them and share them with other people by saying, “my guide says this,” then you are what is called a “mental medium.” If your conscious mind takes a back seat and a spirit speaks through your mouth words that you are not thinking, you are a channel.
- A spiritual medium is a person who surrenders their consciousness to their guides or spirits. It may not always appear voluntary! I am a channel, because I have an agreement with Galexis to work together with them in conscious partnership. I experience a light to medium trance level. Many other channels work at this medium trance level, as I do, such as the well-known Esther Hicks who channels Abraham.
- Some people go into such deep trance states, they appear to be totally unconscious during the channeling. Many spirit mediums go out fully, experiencing a total loss of self-awareness. I attended a séance many decades ago in an old timey traditional Spiritualist Church, and the medium “slept” in a closet while spirit wandered about and talked with us. Hollywood and evangelicals want this to be what all channeling is! Hollywood, to make entertainment money off of it, or the fundamentalists, to identify who’s working for the devil, and who to attack or blame. Mediumship seems to be the most entertaining. If the partnership with incoming spirit beings is voluntary, with a conscious agreement, then the medium who goes all the way out is a full trance channel. If the medium goes out fully, surrenders to, and is in service to the beings coming through, then he or she is known as a spiritual trance medium.
- Total trance channels know that they will be completely unaware for a while, as if in a deep sleep. Not only will they not know what others are doing, they may have no idea what the entity or entities say while they were out. Since the information coming through a total trance channel can be (but not always) more precise, higher-level, and very specific, it is fun to get a life reading from a total trance channel. Edgar Cayce was one of the best-known total trance channels of the 20th Century. Currently, Lazaris is an example of a being that comes through total trance channel Jach Pursel. The channeler or medium’s work and spirit connections are often arranged prior to the channel’s lifetime.